The Capital Trust Group has been working in Private Equity since its founding in 1985, and has to date raised 8 funds across 3 continents including the first ever region wide Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Private Equity Fund in 1998. A C T I V E L Y M A N A G E D F U N D S :
P r i v a t e   E q u i t y   F u n d s
Euromena III L.P. Year of inception: 2014 Committed Capital: $150m Geographic region: Middle East and North Africa (excluding the Gulf region) Euromena III L.P. is the most recent of the group’s funds. Its focus is on acquiring majority or controlling minority stakes in SMEs in the MENA region and helping them to expand both locally and regionally. Euromena II L.P. Year of inception: 2009 Committed Capital: $91m Geographic region: Middle East and North Africa (excluding the Gulf region) Euromena II L.P. had a similar investment strategy to its predecessor (please see below) with the main difference being that larger investments amounts were made in order to take more controlling positions. Euromena L.P. Year of inception: 2006 Committed Capital: $63m Geographic region: Middle East and North Africa (excluding the Gulf region) Euromena L.P.’s investment strategy was to invest growth capital and take minority positions in leading companies across the MENA with the aim to expand these companies operations across the region. Bridge East Capital L.P Year of inception: 1998 Committed Capital: $100m Geographic region: USA Bridge East Capital L.P. invested in a diversified portfolio of financial instruments, including preferred stock and other straight equity securities; subordinated debt investments with warrants and high coupon subordinated debt investments issued by middle market companies to provide capital for internal growth, acquisitions, financing and refinancing. E X I T E D F U N D S : Mount Mezzanine II Year of inception: 2008 Committed Capital: €30m Geographic region: Europe Similarly to Mount Mezzanine (Please see below) the Fund aimed to participate in the mezzanine tranche of sponsored leveraged buyouts in Western Europe and was focused focused on risk mitigation and capital preservation. Mount Mezzanine Year of inception: 2004 Committed Capital: €30m Geographic region: Europe Mount Mezzanine’s strategy was to participate, through third-party syndications, in top-tier mezzanine transactions in Western Europe and was focused on risk mitigation and capital preservation. Mount European Year of inception: 2000 Committed Capital: €50m Geographic region: Europe Mount European focused on investments in a diversified portfolio of privately negotiated financial instruments including straight equity, preferred stock, subordinated debt with warrants or other equity linked securities issued by privately and publicly held companies in Western Europe. Menavest L.P. Year of inception: 1998 Committed Capital: $55m Geographic region: Middle East and North Africa (excluding the Gulf region) Menavest L.P. was the first ever cross-border private equity fund to be established in the Middle East and North Africa. The fund’s aim was to take minority positions by making direct equity and debt investments in companies across the region.
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